Welcome to Deebaak I.T. World
Hey there! Thanks for joining/ordering. We’re thrilled to have you. Welcome to Deebaak I.T. World! Get ready for some amazing deals and updates right here. 😊
About usHey there! Thanks for joining/ordering. We’re thrilled to have you. Welcome to Deebaak I.T. World! Get ready for some amazing deals and updates right here. 😊
About usSales, Installation, Tranning and Repairs
Sales, Installation and Tranning
Sales, Installation, Tranning and Repairs
Tranning and Services
An HTML document sets the content and structure of a web page. When you view a page in your browser, what you're looking at is your browser's interpretation of an HTML file that was retrieved from a web server.
Structure of the C.P.U. and its Operating System
CPU Definition, Functions & Parts
A CPU has three main parts: arithmatic logic unit (ALU), control unit (CU), and memory unit. If a CPU receives input that says to complete a calculation or logical operation, this is done with the arithmatic logic unit.
An operating system (OS) manages all other applications and programs in a computer, and it is loaded into the computer by a boot program.
Networking is the exchange of information and ideas among people with a common profession or special interest, usually in an informal social setting.
Networking often begins with a single point of common ground. Professionals use networking to expand their circles of acquaintances
Our range of Information Technology Services.
Office applications, Computer repais, Networking Configuration, Website Design, Graphichs Design
Sofware, Sublime Text, Office app, Fireworks Hardware and Networking for all you hardwares and mobile devices
computer and accessories, Software kits and netwoking equipment
Keep your hardware upto date and at full performance always for full efficiency
let set you up for all AI search and information processing while mobile or static
let configure your LAN and WAn in no time, to suit all your netwrking needs
we appriciate all our esteem customer for all patronage and project approved to us.
for web-site Development and Updates.
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13, Oyewole Street Palm-Grove, MushinLagos States
+2348 0371 00147
+2347 0545 84793